Thursday 6 March 2014

How to watch YouTube videos on Android without buffering

YouTube When we hear this name .. buffering is the first thing which popup in our minds.. well yes !
It's very frustrating at times when you actually want to see the video and it keep on buffering time after the time.... the biggest reason is of course SLOW INTERNET CONNECTION 

Now days, people use there smartphones more than computers of course.. Android and iOS are the leader in smartphone operating system... Both platforms have YouTube application and they offers some good preloading options ... 

What is Preloading in Mobile YouTube application and how it works ?

Preloading helps user to load the video when they are connected to wifi network so that they can watch that video later when there is no wifi connection or they move to slow net connection and even if they don't want to pay much to there carrier for 3G or LTE data..

Preloading save the videos in device memory so make sure you have some free memory in your device. 

Click on this youtube link to watch it 

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