Tuesday 25 February 2014

BBM and Facebook Messenger Soon on Windows Phone!

Windows Phone to bring Happiness Soon!

Well Windows phone is very popular mobile operating system. It is fast, It is fluid but the application store is not as strong as compare to Apple App store or Google's Play store. Most popular apps like BBM , Facebook messenger are still not present on the windows phone marketplace.

Yes! it is growing day by day .. a month ago very popular Photo sharing app Instagram make it's way to windows phone and we will see some more in coming days

BBM and Facebook Messenger are coming very soon to windows phone Starting with Facebook Messenger, Joe Belfiore The VP of Microsoft made an announcement That Facebook messenger for all windows phone users will be available with in few weeks. Date is not announced so we only hope they launch it soon so that we can enjoy chatting with our Facebook pals.

Coming Next to BBM,  At  MWC 2014 Barcelona, Spain  BBM announced officially That BBM will make its way to Windows phone this summer. They said BBM will be available for free to all users and all the features which you could find on Android or iOS version of BBM ,you will get the same with the Windows phone version of course.
Oh well! not to forget BBM for Windows Phone will come with voice calls as well .

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